NES aims to expand the market further through wide range of business developments & overseas expansions.
We will develop borderless activities creating a better future.
(Currently conducting businesses in Vietnam & China.)

Health Care

As the number of elderly people requiring care increases, nursing care facilities play an important social role. In order to improve the quality of life "QOL" of users, high-quality services are now required at these sites. In this project, provide support to such medical & nursing care facilities, aiming to provide better service than management. In addition, as the declining birthrate & aging population are progressing worldwide, this project aims to establish bases overseas & further expand the circle of support.

Condition of nursing facility

# Support operations

We offer support tailored to the concerns of each facility, from support for starting up new business establishments and the creation of systems, to temporary staffing and staff training. We value smooth communication between staff and work together to build an operational system that allows us to provide high-quality services.

# Support school lunches

Daily meals are one of the pleasures for our users. In order to provide efficient and highly satisfying daily meals, we offer flexible support, including the sale of easily prepared ingredients, customization of menus, and full outsourcing of school lunch operations. Please feel free to contact us according to the actual situation at your cooking site.


The goal of the NES Food business is to spread the JAPAN brand to the world and to contribute to society through food. As a food handling company, we aim to create a food business that not only ensures food safety but also responds to social issues while meeting diverse food demands.

* This business is “FSSC22000 (Food Safety System)” certified.


# Develop menus

In today's world where food diversity is required, it is essential for facility operators, especially those providing meals, to support a variety of menus in order to expand their food options.
At our company, we develop menus that can be used at meal-providing sites, and continue to produce products without compromise at our own factory, "Central Kitchen".

# Assist with Development/Manufacturing

We help our customers turn their desires into reality, such as "I want to make product like this" or "I want to commercialize this menu". As a processed food manufacturing (ODM/OEM) business, we not only consult with customers on menu planning and manufacturing, but also work wholeheartedly on each project, including branding of products created by individual stores and local organizations. (We also have overseas bases and aiming to expand the market further.)

# Spreading the joy and Techniques of cooking

Our food business is supported by experienced chefs, registered dietitians, and elite staff. As part of our effort to convey the charm of cooking, we also welcome requests for cooking classes and instructor dispatch. Please feel free to contact us regarding group lessons at our studio, on-site cooking instruction, and requests for lectures at training sessions.

# Gathering together aiming to contribute to society

"Food loss", "Substandard products wasting", "Lack of local farmers' next generations" and more, there are countless social challenges related with "Food" and we would like to find ways to solve them. With these in heart, we are calling to gather teammates to work together on social contribution actions and movements. Through our dedicated website, we are recruiting chefs and producers to cooperate together with us.

Human Resources

Human resources who can work borderless are an important part of our future. This project aims to develop activities that connect overseas human resources and Japanese companies, create opportunities to develop excellent human resources, and develop society.


# Internship collaboration with Universities
(Overseas students × Companies in Japan)

We provide support for receiving overseas students into Japanese companies in Japan. As an alliance (Industry-Academia Collaboration) for overseas student internship agreements, we have a support system in place, from contract coordination to preparations for receiving overseas students. For companies in Japan, our system can be considered as a trial to create a system for future recruitment of international talents or to conduct as a trial operation.

# Receiving of trainees
(Development of overseas talents)

We support to receive foreigners who aim to acquire skills.

# Matching support
(Overseas talent × Japanese companies)

We introduce overseas talents with working visas that suit the company, such as specific skills, technology, humanities knowledge, and international work. We strive to match job seekers and companies following both wishes. (Applicable to those qualified for specific skills)

Design, Promotion

When providing a product or service, we promote not only its superiority features and performances, but also the underlying social significance and corporate philosophy. Which lead to acquiring more fans. This business aims to support and popularize products, services, corporate activities, and business models that have high social value.


# Planning Image & Public relations strategy

We support branding activities (improving unique image) to make companies and their services recognized as 'valuable', and promotional activities (increasing awareness/sales promotion) to build a system for selling. In addition to public relations plans for products and services, we propose ways to create added value from a variety of perspectives, such as using in-house training as PR.

# Create PR tools

We provide planning, production, and operational support for public relations materials and tools. We aim to convey the thoughts of companies and regions to those who receive information (users), and to gain more fans together. Please feel free to contact us regarding leaflet and package design, website creation, support for SNS operation, etc.

Entrepreneurial Support

The more social contribution an enterprise makes, the harder it is to make a profit. However, we believe that it is definitely an initiative that will improve our society. As an angel investment firm, we at NES have set up a system to support startup companies and aim to spread better business to society.


# Supporting entrepreneurs pursuing their dreams

There is nothing more wasteful than the time spent standing still if you have a passionate desire to start a business. At NES, we have created a 'Entrepreneurship Support System' to create opportunities for such entrepreneurs fearlessly take on challenges, and to provide an environment where one can pursue the dreams without giving up.

# Systems supporting apart from funding

The 'Entrepreneurship Support System' not only provides financing before establishing a company, but also being able to receive necessary advices while belonging in NES during the startup phase. Together, we will work to overcome the challenges and concerns associated with starting a business, accompanying the growth of your business, and support your dreams.

For the future

Other business Expansion

In addition to the above, NES Co., Ltd. is also seeking opportunities to contribute to society by expanding businesses in various fields.